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Monday, July 1, 2013

My Past Life Regressive Hypnotherapy Experience

Are You Getting Very Very Sleepy?
First of all, if you’re wondering if Past Life Regressive Hypnosis works, I’ll start by saying it definitely worked for me. My experience was very similar to viewing my dreams except I was more conscious and the experience was more interactive. Instinct tells me that how everyone experiences hypnosis might not be the same. For me, it was part dream and part feeling. I was either shown what happened in my past lives or I felt it and knew how to interpret the feelings. This was quite an investment for me but I’m glad I did it and am looking forward to learning more about self-hypnosis in the future. I had a physical chest pain that doctors couldn’t explain. This was cleared up during hypnotherapy. I had two past life incidents where I had some type of heart.  hic-cup if you will. They hic-cups weren’t fatal either time, just startling. Each time, I was going through some sort of transition or in route to something very important like I am now (I am moving into my apartment tomorrow J).

After the hypnotherapy session I had a realization that this stuff is never like it is on TV for me. There were no swinging pendulums and “you’re getting very very sleepy.” The hypnotherapist was a nice lady in Brooklyn with a few friendly cats. She also gave me a Bach Flower remedy. I had never heard of this before but it was a part my session which I thought was very nice. Suffice it to say that in two days I went from being homeless to getting a studio apartment in Queens after completing my session. Now I can move on with the rest of my life. I look forward to working with my hypnotherapist again in the near future and doing more healing work to clear up anything else that needs healing. If you’ve been on the fence about getting Past Life Regressive Hypnosis, I say give it a shot. One thing that I’ve learned from years of doing spiritual work is that even if that particular medium isn’t the best one for you, the fact that you’re consciously putting forth the effort will yield results and ultimately get you on your desired path.



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