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Friday, February 1, 2013

Lessons Learned & Too Busy Taking Action to Blog

Winning the Race of Your Life

It has been a LONG time since I've touched this blog. So much has happened. I relocated to New York a year and a half ago (a dream that I had for years), I'm actually transitioning into a new career and am preparing to launch a business later this year. I actually started another blog last summer that I have been consistent with. It's a beauty review blog and I realized that I wanted a place to review other things and just ramble sometimes. I've decided to make this blog my home for those things. I'm not promising to update regularly but I am coming back to updating this blog more consistently. I figured I 'd start with lessons learned since I launched this blog:

Don't Walk, Run Towards Your Dreams-

When I actually moved to New York, so much went right but so much went wrong also. Everything that I quietly feared happened and you know what, I'm still alive and I'm still here. Things still aren't perfect but they're getting better and I have no regrets. I would have regretted NOT coming here. This was the best decision of my life. Don't let fear stop you or slow you down. Had I done this when I was 18 like I'd planned I would be so much further along than I already am.

Persistence is a Necessary Ingredient to Success-

I could have went home so many times this past year and a half but I decided to stick it out. I have clarity about my career that I didn't even know I needed before. Things are possible in my life now that I previously was uncertain about how to make happen. I have peace because I know that every dream I have will become a reality over the next few years. Soon, I will have to start a new list of goals! To be honest I have been a bit impatient with this whole process but even though there have been some delays, I have not stopped. That's the most important thing to remember. Keep going no matter what.

Pick a Goal and Sick to It/Follow Through on Something-

Dreamitis is the condition that blocks completion and following through. I unconsciously suffered from dreamitis for years. Once I moved to New York, a new part of my brain seemed to awaken. This part of my brain has become very dominant and now I am actually considering all of my dreams and selecting which ones I want to implement. I decided to transition into the medical field and became a certified EKG technician a few months ago. I am completing a second medical certificate program and preparing for my first job in the medical field by the end of this month. I started this journey in September/October of last year with no previous experience or inclination to be in the medical field and here I am. Don't spend too much time analyzing, make the best decision you can and go for it. Even if it is not perfect, you can correct course as you go along and make better improvements because of the insight you only get from taking action.

Honor Your Spirit-

As great as thing are, there is still another very important goal that I need to manifest by May at the latest (and possibly even next month at the earliest). I have been wanting to live alone (no roommates or family members for years). I currently have a roommate that I'm not happy with. Honor your spirit. Don't complain about your situation, figure out a solution and do what you need to do to be happy. I have always had somewhat of a loner spirit and am excited because once I've worked at my new job for a month or two, I'll be able to finally get my own place and continue focusing on my other goals. Don't ignore that small voice in your head when it tells you something isn't right or you need to make a change. Life is too short and too precious to be unhappy.

Budgeting Can be Your Friend-

I have truly become a budget queen even more since relocating. My budget has allowed me to remain conscious and grounded. I have made better decisions and have a better understanding about which goals to tackle next because of my budget. Most people look at a budget as something that tells you what you can't do. I look at it as something that tells me what I can do. Anything is possible because I have  the financial direction to make things happen. I have a healthy relationship with my money. Like it or not, we need money to live and if you want to have less stress and get more done, consider making a budget that is connected to your goals so that you can figure out what steps you should take next in your life.

Since I last posted, I actually found a teaching job online and have been working online for a little over a year. The time has come for me to transition into a better career but the goal of working online/from home can be checked off my list. I have learned so much and had an amazing year as far as my professional growth and development are concerned. The biggest lesson I've learned is that if your heart is telling you to do something, then do it.  It may not end the way you thought it would but you will be wiser and better because of it.

I'll be doing more reviews and positivity/personal growth related posts on this blog in the upcoming months.



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