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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Being Productive v. Being Effective, from the 4-Hour Workweek

Being Productive v. Being Effective from the 4-Hour Workweek

After reading about distractions and interruptions in the book this week, I considered all the things I have put in place since my initial listening of the first edition of the book:

-I have shifted to consciously focusing and acting on things that are important to my goals and day to day life. I don't spend hours rotting away in front of the t.v. like I used to. My life is so full of what actually matters now that I very easily go days without watching t.v. I used to work with the the t.v. on and now I find that it actually slows me down. I have 1-3 shows I watch during a season versus 1-3 for every night of the week.

I didn't make this shift over night, it was gradual. How badly do you want it? This is the question that helped me make this and other life-changing shifts.

-I've been experimenting with sleep. I know that 7 hours is all I need to feel rested and energized. I've also had to function on a lot less due to my work schedule in the past. This week I am implementing two 5 hour days (the minimum I need to function) to see if that will help me get more done. With commute, the dishes, and everything that makes up my day, I'm able to actually get 3-4 core things done each day. This is great but I still have a more to do. Re-training my body to wake up early has been life changing. I used to be an 11 A.M. girl, not anymore. I usually get up between 6 and 7 now.

-I am also exploring my business model so that I can choose one that is less time consuming and more profitable. I think I've found a solution and will begin the shift over the next few weeks.

These are just a few things that I am already implementing or will be implementing over the upcoming weeks since this week's reading. I am so glad that I am taking the time to re-visit this book at this point in my journey because my perspective and focus are completely different than they were before.

Kimmy B.
Facebook & Local Marketing Consultant


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